Rodolphe Christen; the story of an artist's life

Rodolphe Christen; the story of an artist's life

Anthony van Dyck – Christ and the Pharisees; verso; Christ and a Pharisee Artistica di Stampa (45,72 x 60,96 cm)

Anthony van Dyck – Christ and the Pharisees; verso; Christ and a Pharisee Artistica di Stampa (45,72 x 60,96 cm)

Christ Pantocrator Artistica di Stampa (60,96 x 91,44 cm)

Christ Pantocrator Artistica di Stampa (60,96 x 91,44 cm)

Christ Resurrected Artistica di Stampa (60,96 x 91,44 cm)

Christ Resurrected Artistica di Stampa (60,96 x 91,44 cm)

Christ Pantocrator Artistica di Stampa (60,96 x 91,44 cm)

Christ Pantocrator Artistica di Stampa (60,96 x 91,44 cm)

Christ Resurrected Artistica di Stampa (45,72 x 60,96 cm)

Christ Resurrected Artistica di Stampa (45,72 x 60,96 cm)

Christ Pantocrator Artistica di Stampa (45,72 x 60,96 cm)

Christ Pantocrator Artistica di Stampa (45,72 x 60,96 cm)

Christo In Scurto (The Foreshortened Christ Or The Dead Christ) Artistica di Stampa (91,44 x 60,96 cm)

Christo In Scurto (The Foreshortened Christ Or The Dead Christ) Artistica di Stampa (91,44 x 60,96 cm)

Linda Woods – Christ Offers Artistica di Stampa (30,48 x 30,48 cm)

Linda Woods – Christ Offers Artistica di Stampa (30,48 x 30,48 cm)

Linda Woods – Christ Offers Artistica di Stampa (60,96 x 60,96 cm)

Linda Woods – Christ Offers Artistica di Stampa (60,96 x 60,96 cm)

Christo In Scurto (The Foreshortened Christ Or The Dead Christ) Artistica di Stampa (60,96 x 45,72 cm)

Christo In Scurto (The Foreshortened Christ Or The Dead Christ) Artistica di Stampa (60,96 x 45,72 cm)

The Entombement Of Christ - Lamentation Over The Dead Christ Artistica di Stampa (60,96 x 91,44 cm)

The Entombement Of Christ - Lamentation Over The Dead Christ Artistica di Stampa (60,96 x 91,44 cm)

Scenes From The Life Of Christ Baptism Of Christ Artistica di Stampa (91,44 x 60,96 cm)

Scenes From The Life Of Christ Baptism Of Christ Artistica di Stampa (91,44 x 60,96 cm)

Scenes From The Life Of Christ Baptism Of Christ Artistica di Stampa (60,96 x 45,72 cm)

Scenes From The Life Of Christ Baptism Of Christ Artistica di Stampa (60,96 x 45,72 cm)

The Entombement Of Christ - Lamentation Over The Dead Christ Artistica di Stampa (45,72 x 60,96 cm)

The Entombement Of Christ - Lamentation Over The Dead Christ Artistica di Stampa (45,72 x 60,96 cm)

The Baptism Of Jesus Christ Artistica di Stampa (45,72 x 60,96 cm)

The Baptism Of Jesus Christ Artistica di Stampa (45,72 x 60,96 cm)

Lamentation Over The Dead Christ (Deposition Of Christ) Artistica di Stampa (60,96 x 91,44 cm)

Lamentation Over The Dead Christ (Deposition Of Christ) Artistica di Stampa (60,96 x 91,44 cm)

Lamentation Over The Dead Christ (Deposition Of Christ) Artistica di Stampa (45,72 x 60,96 cm)

Lamentation Over The Dead Christ (Deposition Of Christ) Artistica di Stampa (45,72 x 60,96 cm)

Young Artist For Christ

Young Artist For Christ

Like Christ - Artist: Joel

Like Christ - Artist: Joel



Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau: The Artwork as a Living System 1992-2022

Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau: The Artwork as a Living System 1992-2022

The Preacher as Liturgical Artist: Metaphor, Identity, and the Vicarious Humanity of Christ (Lloyd John Ogilvie Institute of Preaching Series Book 2) (English Edition)

The Preacher as Liturgical Artist: Metaphor, Identity, and the Vicarious Humanity of Christ (Lloyd John Ogilvie Institute of Preaching Series Book 2) (English Edition)

Artist as Author: Action and Intent in Late-Modernist American Painting (English Edition)

Artist as Author: Action and Intent in Late-Modernist American Painting (English Edition)

Neat's Interviews With The EXTRAORDINARY: Christian Artist's Passion for Christ (English Edition)

Neat's Interviews With The EXTRAORDINARY: Christian Artist's Passion for Christ (English Edition)

Mgr Charles-Louis Gay (1815-1892): Un artiste au service du Christ (French Edition)

Mgr Charles-Louis Gay (1815-1892): Un artiste au service du Christ (French Edition)

Artist Choice 028. Christos Fourkis

Artist Choice 028. Christos Fourkis

Christo and Jeanne-Claude. L’Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped

Christo and Jeanne-Claude. L’Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped

Artist: sketchbook (8,5'' x 11'')

Artist: sketchbook (8,5'' x 11'')

Christo and Jeanne-Claude. Updated Edition

Christo and Jeanne-Claude. Updated Edition

Christo e Jeanne-Claude

Christo e Jeanne-Claude

Christo and Jeanne-Claude: BA (Basic Art)

Christo and Jeanne-Claude: BA (Basic Art)

Diseño artístico cristiano

Diseño artístico cristiano "Christ Lives" moderno gráfico Camiseta

Life of Christ by an Indian Artist

Life of Christ by an Indian Artist

Artístico Cristiano Diseño 'Christ Lives' Gráfico Colorido Camiseta

Artístico Cristiano Diseño 'Christ Lives' Gráfico Colorido Camiseta

Amazing Organization & Purpose of the Church of Jesus Christ on Urantia (English Edition)

Amazing Organization & Purpose of the Church of Jesus Christ on Urantia (English Edition)



Además de sus caracteristicas de resistencia y mezcla, la opción de estos marcadores de pintura acrílica radica en su diversidad de formatos. El marcador Posca puede proveer diferentes visualizaciones algún oportunidad según sus pretenciones. ¡Por supuesto, puedes usarlos en el mismo trabajo!

Tipos de POSCA

Punta pincel (PCF-350)
Se usa para pintar, colorear, dibujar, adornar y caligrafía. ideal para principiantes y adolescentes, fácil de usar. Con él se alcanzan zonas que no se alcanzarían con otro tipo de rotulador.

Punta agregado fina (PC-1MR Y PC-1M)
Estos rotuladores se usan para escribir, dibujar, pintar, colorear y marcar. Con ellos se alcanzan unas líneas muy finas y regulares idóneas para principiantes y profesionales. Se ajustan realmente bien trabajos minuciosos o de superficies pequeñas.

Punta fina (PC-3M)
Utilizados para dibujar, colorear, adornar, colorear y escribir, estos rotuladores POSCA de punta redondeada es muy demandado por expertos y profesionales del diseño.

Punta media (PC-5M)
Los POSCA de punta media se emplean para colorear, pintar, dibujar, escribir, adornar y marcar.